Assessing and improving WFP’s performance in DRC

WFP’s DRC Portfolio Evaluation

In collaboration with DARA, Dahlia has evaluated WFP’s portfolio in DRC covering the period 2009–2013.

Context and Aims of the Evaluation

The country portfolio evaluation assessed the performance of WFP in DRC focusing on: i) strategic alignment and positioning; ii) factors driving strategic decision-making; and iii) performance and results.The evaluation focused on WFP’s portfolio as a whole (with the exception of humanitarian air operations) and its evolution over time. The main activities of the portfolio are general distributions (47%), school feeding (33%), nutrition programs (15%), programs for asset creation, food for work & training (3%) and support for people living with HIV / TB (2%). The assessment took into account the complexity of the implementation areas of WFP operations, including areas considered unsafe.


Lead consultant: Marie Spaak

Expert in nutrition and school feeding: Ricardo Sole Arques

DRC has one of WFP’s largest portfolio of operations

Background of WFP’s portfolio in DRC

DRC has one of WFP’s largest portfolio of operations. From 2009 to 2013, WFP implemented three protracted relief and recovery (PRROs); five emergency operations (EMOPs), including an immediate-response EMOP; and two special operations (SOs) for logistics augmentation. In 2013, programme activities were grouped under PRRO 200540 to provide greater flexibility in the use of resources to implement WFP’s strategy. Direct expenditures by WFP over the evaluation period were approximately $134.3 million USD for the EMOPs, $927 million USD for PRROs, and $52 million USD for the SOs, confirming the dominance of emergency programming in DRC.

Given the protracted humanitarian situation in the East, an annual average of 3.5 million beneficiaries received 462,870 metric tons during the Country Programme Evaluation period.