Ricardo Sole Arques
I have found in humanitarian action the natural expansion of the medical vocation, and the challenges associated to be similarly addressable trough common sense, evidence based approaches, experience, and compassion. Everyone’s right to health and to an adequate coverage of needs in case of catastrophic events is my essential concern. Addressing communication challenges and ways to bridge curative action with preventive measures and capacity building ones makes this tasks more comprehensive, sensible and ultimately useful.
Humanitarian action is the natural expansion of my medical vocation
Ricardo Solé Arqués has been involved in humanitarian activities since 1994, working with major medical NGOs, and being assigned to different field positions for the EC and WHO. Ricardo is a Medical Doctor, a specialist in Internal Medicine, and holds a Master degree in Public Health and Health Services Management. Having practiced clinical medicine in hospitals and family health centers, it came as a natural development to become a humanitarian worker, first in medical NGOs and afterwards as a technical assistant or overall advisor or evaluator in many different contexts. He has worked in the field at the operational, programmatic and strategic levels, incorporating learning, evaluative frameworks and evidence in practice.
He served as deputy director of Dara in 2009/2010. As a consultant, he has carried out a number of assignments for different parties (MdM, MsF, WHO, ECHO, Dara, AECID, UNICEF, etc.) in Africa, South East Asia, the Middle East and Central and South America, with particular focus on learning and participatory evaluations, and a number of studies on policy issues surrounding development and humanitarian aid.
Within Dahlia, he will be able to work sharing his balance of knowledge, evidence based approaches, experience and commitments, so as to channel his concerns and capacities towards a better humanitarian response, bridging relief and recovery with dignity, assuring that the needs and expectations of affected people are incorporated through a better communicated, and better informed, aid effort.

Needs of affected people must be incorporated through a better communicated aid effort